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How do I become a creator and start earning?

Promoting Tips & Tricks

Updated over a week ago

To become a creator on Fanvue, click "Become a Creator" at the top of your feed page To become a creator on Fanvue, follow these steps:

  1. Click 'Become a Creator' at the top of your feed page, or go to 'More > Become a Creator.'

  2. Provide your information and complete our quick verification process. This involves facial recognition and photo ID and takes just a few minutes.

  3. Once you're verified, set your subscription price, and you're ready to start taking subscriptions.
    ​What next? These support articles can help:
    ​Examples of effective promotion
    ​How do I set up a promotion offer on my account?
    ​Where should I promote my Fanvue page?
    ​How do I get the verified Red Tick on Fanvue?

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